We specialize in fragile settings

There is a hero in everyone.
Governments and humanitarian organizations around the globe are experiencing enormous difficulties in providing humanitarian assistance to large affected areas. Too often by the time a recovery plan is in place, a bigger disaster drives the international attention and the media into the next crisis leaving many affected people behind with a cause considered no longer fashionable.
The traditional disaster aid systems do not work and we do not intend to point fingers at anyone, but instead provide solutions for a more SUSTAINABLE future including teaming with local grassroots groups already in place on the ground. It is our hope to inspire and motivate people to reach deep inside themselves to find their own active role as a volunteer.
Dr Alison Thompson - Founder - Executive Director
Meet the Board Members
Advisory Board
Team Leaders
Our Mission Pilots

Commercial MEL - SEL - ROT

Captain Ernesto Camaraza
Captain Ángel G. Brugal
Third Wave Volunteers Programs cover the 15 STG goals

Our Wonderful Sponsors